Paraffin 20 litre


Paraffin 20 litre (now 4 x 5litre cans) is best used in green house heaters, lamps and other situations that require the burnt fuel not to omit toxic gases. This will however still produce a faint odour. If the odour isn’t required please find our Odourless Kerosene is the fuels section of the shop.



Paraffin 20 litre (now 4 x 5litre cans) is best used in green house heaters, lamps and other situations that require the burnt fuel not to omit toxic gases. This will however still produce a very faint odour. If the odour isn’t required please contact us for a price for odourless kerosene.

Due to the nature of this product we cant arrange any 20 litre returns. UPS wont collect goods of this nature from an unregulated location. If you want to return this product you will need to bring it down in person. If you are in any doubt about what you need please message us before buying.

This will arrive as a 4 x 5l box rather than a single 20 litre jerry can. 205 litre barrels and bulk supply are also available.

Paraffin 20 litre Spec

Hazard: UN1223

Product Name: Paraffin 20 litre

Class: 1

Packing Group: III

Tunnel Code: (D/E)


A Bit About Paraffin.

Also known as liquid paraffin, paraffin oil or kerosene. Paraffin is a mixture of different types of simple hydrocarbons. It is less volatile than gasoline and it boils at 302-527 degrees Fahrenheit. The extraction process can use coal, wood and oil shale. One of the primary way’s of obtaining paraffin is from the distillation of petroleum, which was first distilled in 1807 by geologist Abraham Gesner. It required discovering new sources and better ways of refining before the cost became affordable.

In its solid form it known as paraffin wax Paraffin oil is a mineral oil that comes in two forms, either heavy liquid paraffin oil or light liquid paraffin oil. Paraffin is clean burning and maintains a high heat output.

Uses Of Paraffin.

Paraffin is a alkane hydrocarbon that has a variety of practical uses. These industries are as such: medicine, agriculture and cosmetics. Jet engines and rockets will use paraffin as a fuel source. Diesel and tractor engines can use paraffin as a fuel source. Lamps and lanterns used paraffin for light though this practice has waned in recent years. As of writing, paraffin is the most widely used heating oil in home central heating systems in the UK. People from lesser developed country’s will regularly use paraffin as a way of cooking. Whether you are mountaineering up Snowdon or simply family camping paraffin makes a great portable fuel for small stoves and lights.


Please note that due to hazardous goods shipping restrictions this product is unavailable outside mainland Great Britain.




Additional information


20ltrs (4 x 5litre), 205ltrs, 20 x 5litre (100Ltrs)

2 reviews for Paraffin 20 litre

  1. 5 out of 5

    Ian HORSFALL (verified owner)

    I recently bought a zibro portable paraffin Heater for my house and use this product in it makes my Living room so warm great prices on fuel saving me money on my heating bills

  2. 5 out of 5

    Graham Webb (verified owner)

    Works great in my Corona RX2485 paraffin heater, had a slight blue colour to it so maybe its the same as Esso Blue. 🙂

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