Aspen 2 Fuel


 Aspen 2 pre-mixed 2-stroke alkylate petrol (50:1) Aspen 2 is a pe-mixed (at 50:1) alkylate petrol suitable for all air cooled 2-stroke engines, no matter what fuel oil mix

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Aspen 2

Aspen 2 fuel is a pe-mixed (at 50:1)

It’s fuel alkylate petrol ready-mixed (2%)

This fuel is also chemically inert so you can comfortably leave the fuel in the machine and it will not gum-up

It will also store for years, whereas normal petrol start to go off after 30 days.

Most often used in a lawn horticultural machinery.

It should be noted that this will be supplied in 5 x 1l cans due to shipping restrictions.

Due to the nature of this product we cant arrange any 20 litre returns. UPS wont collect goods from an unregulated location. If you want to return this product you will need to bring it down in person. If you are in any doubt about what you need please message me before buying.

Aspen 2 Fuel Information

Aspen 2 fuel is a pe-mixed (at 50:1) alkylate petrol suitable for all air cooled 2-stroke engines, no matter what fuel oil mix. It is mixed with a synthetic high quality high performance 2-stroke oil for maximum protection and low smoke. This 2-stroke ready-mixed alkylate petrol contains virtually no sulphur, benzene or aromatics. It is therefore much better from a health aspect to use than regular petrol – in fact normal petrol contains so much benzene and aromatics (solvents) that it poses a real health risk to use in 2-stroke engines. Aspen 2 is also chemically inert so you can comfortably leave the fuel in the machine and it will not gum-up, it will also store for years, whereas normal petrol start to go off after 30 days. If you care about your health, your environment and your machinery – Aspen alkylate petrol is your only choice
Rye Oil Ltd can also offer Aspen 4. A fuel for four stroke engines. Aspen and the distributors of Aspen Fuels are trying to reduce the Vat and duty paid on these Aspen products. As it stands the duty is 57 pence per litre of aspen fuel. Then you have to add another 20% Vat as it ‘could’ be used as a road fuel. HMRC state that an undyed fuel cant be policed and has to be at the high rate of tax. You would have thought that a fuel that provides such a reduction in harmful gasses would be subject to tax or duty relief as an imported fuel.
It should also be noted that we supply Aspen 4 stroke.
Please note that due to hazardous goods shipping restrictions this product is unavailable outside mainland Great Britain.


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